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Latvian Artists Union Museum

Latvian Artists Union MuseumAddress: 11.Novembra krastmala 35 – 308, Riga
Location: Center
Phone: +371 67 221 240
E-mail: muzejs@lmsmuzejs.lv
Opening hours:
Mo.: close
Tue., Wed.,Thu., Fri.: 12:00-18:00
Sat.: 12:00-16:00
Sun.: close
Museum is closed on national holidays.
Entrance: free
The concept of the open collection is the periodic change or supplementation of the works on view according to the LAU MUSEUM’S annual theme for public activities.The flexibility of the exposition ensures thepossibility of obtaining detailed informastiononthe art of Latvia between 1945 and 1991. It offers the opportunity to become actively involved in the examination of the open collection and gives viewrs the possibility of choosing for themselves the accents of the exposition they are interested in.